My brother owns a pasta restaurant, so I dream of them daily! 🤣 If you guys visit Chicago, we’ll go!

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I have been experimenting with some of the different types of fun vegan gnocchi and filled pastas that are available lately. Normally just with a jar of stir-through sauce, as I save these dinners for days when I have minus zero energy.

Good luck for the approaching trip! I am very excited for Jules! Go wild at Trader Joe's.

Will someone be staying with your kitties or do they go into a boarding?

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Pasta is the number 1 when it comes to FINALLY unearthing the contents of my freezer (it doesn't happen very often). I always make some unnamed veggie bolognese thinking I'll have it and some point. I never do. But one day, I'll eat it - when I really need it. Maybe. Safe travels!!

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